An HST Search for the Progenitor of the Type Ib Supernova 2010O in NGC 3690/Arp 299: Authors Bond, Puckett, et. al. See also: Amateur, NOAO, HST, and Chandra Observers Team Up to Search for Supernova Progenitor
Type Iax Supernovae: A New Class of Stellar Explosion: This new class currently has 25 members, are spectroscopically similar to SNe Ia, but have lower maximum-light velocities, and most have hot photospheres. Relative to SNe Ia, SNe Iax have low luminosities for their light-curve shape. The Puckett Observatory Supernova Search has discovered 7 of them: 2008ha, 2008ae, 2007J, 2006hn, 2005cc, 2003gq, 2002bp. An article about this discovery is posted on the Science Daily website. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130326133337.htm. The paper published by the discovers is posted here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.2209
The POSS search team made a rare discovery of two supernovae in one galaxy. Details of the discovery in UGC 4132 can be found in the IAU circular 8605.
- Possible quasar in Bootes. IAU circular 8518 - Variable Object in Bootes
- Cataclysmic Nova in Hercules - CBET 226
- SN 2005bc
- SN 2005gl
- SN 2008ha
- SN 2002bj Supernova fits into new class
- SN 2012A Announcement in Sky and Telescope
- SN 2012A Astronomy Picture of the Day
- SN 2012A Puckett Scores, AAVSO Gets Assist
- Minor planet: 1999 JR137